New site with Hugo
This is a totally new site. No more WordPress!! Just plain old HTML and some CSS to make it look nice.
The reason was that WordPress was getting more and more complex to play around with. I wanted to change the theme for my site, but with all the latest upgrades, it wasn’t so easy anymore. Then I saw a lot of
talk about “good old static sites” that load super fast (because there is no database behind it). The other big advantage is that I write blog-posts in markdown now!!!! It makes life so much easier.
So first I tried Jekyll. Quick and easy installation. Even found a plugin that can transfer all your WordPress posts to Jekyll posts with all the tags and categories, … But, with over 1000 posts on the old wordpress, it took ages to reload and rebuilt the site with Jekyll as soon as you made a change somewhere.
Looking for a solution I stumbled across Hugo. Built on Go and super fast. So I found a Tufte theme for it and 5 minutes later I was working with a new site. Easy peasy….
But what will take some time now is importing all the old stuff. I still want it here, but with a better layout and some correct data about the photos taken. Slowly but surely.